With one of the project's great minds, economist Nouriel Roubini. Roubini says the report is designed to help countries get a grip on their economic shortcomings -- but it can also help people like me figure out where to put our (buckets and buckets of) money.
The U.S. came out on top for now, but with all that rattling in our banking system -- Fannie/Freddie, Lehman Brothers and the rest
Everyone should also grab The Economist Magazine. & Be sure to listen to the description of the Financial Development Index on NPR, USA for a brief audio summary. When I first look at the Economist magazine I thought...ok, I don't get some of this stuff. But it is actually quite easy to understand. As you keep reading, it becomes a breeze!...;)
Excellent Cee...
I'll check it out...
Roubini is a smart and courageous man...
Acreage... great description...
Pretty much...;0
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