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Monday, January 3, 2011

Arts: Big Bambú: You Can't, You Don't, and You Won't Stop

Hey Guys!
"We hope you enjoy your stay

It's good to have you with us

Even if it's just for the day

We hope you enjoy your stay

Outside the sun is shining

It seems like heaven ain't far away

It's good to have you with us

Even if it's just for the day"
Via The Killers Enterlude

I'll return Febuary 18, 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Nouns & Verbs~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ok Guys! Ive been wanting to share this with u guys 4 a while now. The waving Sponge Bob is from my aunt..Sponge Bob always makes me LOL. And the picture is from my sister who paints and draws..I'm an artsy gal 2:) The green picture represents the begining stage of life.. Both r sitting om my durbaka 4 when I feel like dancing...LOL

My Sis Luvs Akon~~~~~~~~

I've been meaning 2 post him 4 a year 4 her:)

A New Year A New Wave~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*Happy 2011*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
