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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Vera Wang Boutique

Vera Wang’s New York boutique in Soho, designed by Gabellini Sheppard   Evans & Paul manufactured and installed the fluorescent lit-Corian staircase and the bathroom fixtures.


Kitty said...

Cooooooool... extra cool...

This too...

theceelist said...

REALLY NEAT!..i t would make an excellent office 4 me..:)

theceelist said...

Id luv that soo oh my!

Kitty said...

CeeGirl === I would love to see you in that office wearing white platform gogo boots!

You'd be darling!!!!!!

theceelist said...

kitty kitty i was totally feeling the go go dancer vibe fron those..u stole the words out of my b fun to fool around in relly WILD & FUNKY..a lil opposite of me..i