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Friday, November 21, 2008

California Academy of Sciences

SAN FRANCISCO — Not all architects embrace the idea of evolution. Some, fixated on the 20th-century notion of the avant-garde, view their work as a divine revelation, as if history began with them. Others pine for the Middle Ages.



Kitty said...

Wow beautiful place... science place...

theceelist said...

science place...2 learn about cool stuff.LOL

Cate,science was my favorite subject in high school.But now it's both history and science.

Kitty said...

You read alot Cee...

I love how wide your interests are... science and history... cool...

I was kind of lost in high school... I only went for about two years then I went to college...

In early college I liked economics best... until it got quantitative...

I ended up studying fine arts... painting and drawing...

Cee --- I like all kinds of knowledge and I love it presented in interesting ways... like the way you present it... thanks!

theceelist said...

Thanks! Cate I'm touched:)