Sol LeWitt often said that beauty was not the point of his art, but the MASS MoCA installation of the wall pieces the artist designed between 1969 and 2007 is pretty gorgeous.
Photo: Erik Jacobs for The New York Times

Mr. LeWitt’s work is, famously, about ideas before all else. He was one of the first artists to formally define Conceptual Art as a phenomenon. And he was among first to make work that downplayed the traditional art object, with its associations of individual genius, exchange value, and physical permanence -- in favor of utopian proposals and collective visions.
Photo: Erik Jacobs for The New York Times
Hi Cee...
Come on we'll go to the LeWitt show... it's near me... MassMoca is a wonderful place...
We can bring goooood girl too...
Wow I hv new visitors 2 day..no way..lol...lol
Hi Cate!!! We should...lol...lol:)
Cee... check out infinitesimal's website... way cool... :)
Cate,check out infinitesimal's. I will.:)
Cate, I'll hv jokes 4 u next week..Don't worry..lol..lol;)
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