Tadashi Fuse is a backcountry badass straight up. He charges the hills with violent ferocity masked in big, silent, and silky style. And aside from locking down an impressive part in It’s Always Snowing Somewhere, Tadashi’s striving to revitalize and bring new light to the snowboard scene in Japan. His vehicle for spreading this—Heart Films. He started this film company a few years back and has since built a mass of webisodes and three films, Heart Films Volume One, Volume Two and this year’s Volume Three to document it all. He’s been busy splitting up time between B.C., Japan, movie tours, and becoming a father while still taking a minute to speak his mind.
This is it Cee... the ultimate man...
"He charges the hills with violent ferocity masked in big, silent, and silky style."
Me love Tadashi... LOLOLOLOL!!!!
Hi Cate! Yeah nicely worded..:)
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