I luv these i went 2 buy the kit the other day...im not going 2 do my self..the site is funny it reand ..to be aplied by profestional..come on now it not rocket science,,lol im lk get the f out of here,,LOL realy lkthe plane gold and silver!
it funny how shes really into it..it nice she tlks 2 her readers...lk she does mag mkup covers..sm pep r all cocky and 1ce they accomplish smthing they feel lk they cnt tlk 2 the "common folk" and sm x they may not be all theat damn amazing but the get real arrogant nah mean!LOL
Ohhhhhhhh CEEEEEE!!!
Happy weekend!!!
I just spent an hour looking at makeup tips on Lisa Eldridge's site... LOTS OF GOOD IDEAS to look better but still natural!!!
These nails are TOO DIE FOR!
I'd put them on my toenails!!!
I luv these i went 2 buy the kit the other day...im not going 2 do my self..the site is funny it reand ..to be aplied by profestional..come on now it not rocket science,,lol im lk get the f out of here,,LOL realy lkthe plane gold and silver!
it funny how shes really into it..it nice she tlks 2 her readers...lk she does mag mkup covers..sm pep r all cocky and 1ce they accomplish smthing they feel lk they cnt tlk 2 the "common folk" and sm x they may not be all theat damn amazing but the get real arrogant nah mean!LOL
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