That's waaaaaaaaaay to much for me... although I would love to sail around the world... but not in a fancy boat... just a good, solid sail boat... and see all the faraway interesting places... we could bdance in mysterious places... YAAAAAA!! lk 2 do never buy this but id rent it 4 a few hrs..i hd this saved 4 a while i was debating posting it very over the top..the ending is a il annoying with those billionaires laughing lol sipping looks extravagant
but looking @ it on the art & design prospective i think it fine a work of art
kitty be sure 2 visit the sanlar link u can virtual see the interior
yeah in the sanlr yachts we can hv a BD party & hv fancy snacks!!!
The boats are beyond gorgeous Cee... they are art... and it's easy to imagine to cruising around in them... and I'll make VERY fancy snacks for your BD party on the yacht!!!
That sounds like a PERFECT BD party for us... sharing the fun with people less fortunate... they would get a kick from the beauty of the design and be inspired too..
I def think seeing nice stuff can be inspiring its not all the x bad or evil..examp lk a person may b poor or wht ever then he may see smwhere/thing & work hard to attain it & after his goal is met he can go share his success $ x & or info & help others be inspired.. having the means to get things others cant doesn't mk a person bad at all. diff pep r going 2 hv diff levels of success & wealth thats just the way it opinion
I believe in helping others & it doesn't always hv 2 be $.
That's waaaaaaaaaay to much for me... although I would love to sail around the world... but not in a fancy boat... just a good, solid sail boat... and see all the faraway interesting places... we could bdance in mysterious places... YAAAAAA!! lk 2 do never buy this but id rent it 4 a few hrs..i hd this saved 4 a while i was debating posting it very over the top..the ending is a il annoying with those billionaires laughing lol sipping looks extravagant
but looking @ it on the art & design prospective i think it fine a work of art
kitty be sure 2 visit the sanlar link u can virtual see the interior
yeah in the sanlr yachts we can hv a BD party & hv fancy snacks!!!
The boats are beyond gorgeous Cee... they are art... and it's easy to imagine to cruising around in them... and I'll make VERY fancy snacks for your BD party on the yacht!!!
Kitty Kitty u mean OUR BD party!
I think it would b cool 2 invite sm les fortunate pep 2..not 2 show off but 2 share the fun! I think thatll be cool!:);)
That sounds like a PERFECT BD party for us... sharing the fun with people less fortunate... they would get a kick from the beauty of the design and be inspired too..
I def think seeing nice stuff can be inspiring its not all the x bad or evil..examp lk a person may b poor or wht ever then he may see smwhere/thing & work hard to attain it & after his goal is met he can go share his success $ x & or info & help others be inspired.. having the means to get things others cant doesn't mk a person bad at all. diff pep r going 2 hv diff levels of success & wealth thats just the way it opinion
I believe in helping others & it doesn't always hv 2 be $.
So I definitely don't think it has to be $$$$...
Teach a man to fish...
Or teach a man to build...
And I'd like to teach everyone to cook!!!
yeah me 2 id rather teach a person how 2 sustain them selves or inspire them smthing lk that:)
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