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Friday, August 7, 2009


Hey Guys! Next week I won't be blogging until Thursday & possibly Friday, Saturday &/or Sunday & Monday,& for the rest of August. In August.. I may post spratcally. I'm not sure about September, but I will post on the weekends. I hv a mill & 1 things 2 do & I hv 2 b extremely focused B4 the winter hits (blogging can get addictive So enjoy the archive until further notice:)

Kudos! ( Guys how come no1 told me I was spelling Kudos with a Q instead of a


Kitty said...

Thanks Cee for all your wonderful posts... good luck with your stuff... I'll miss //u//...

theceelist said...

Tnx! also Rammadan is in 2 weeks:)