I luv history so I think is interesting:)& Howard Carter is such a mind blowing inspiration. He proves with determination anything is possible. I was at awe when I 1st read of him 3years ago. & I fully acknowledge the Bedouins contributed 2 the discoveries:)
I watched these vids the other night and remembered how the ancient Egypt stuff was my favorite as a child...
I;d go to the big city museum with my family and loved see the ancient, dusty sarcophagus and beautiful jewelry and vessels... it stretched my mind to think about people and things thousands of years ago... thanks Cee... so cool...
I know I dont know which is more fascinating the architect of the pyramids or the tombs:0
The whole system of Pharaohs and slaves and architects was fascinating... same thing today?
Hum.. I a lil confused about that 1 ??..
because fascinating can mean really cool or really interesting..I use "fascinating" it in both ways..lol
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