Omg those reviews r sooo true .. My face has never EVER had a glow like this... I'm a believer 100% a million taxiing on x better that the Alkatis I've been using I'm going to but the kit.... Kitty b sure to go get a facial relax & enjoy!;))))
Hey I was thinking u may b able to mk it kitty u r crafty and into gardening so y not ... Right... I also looked & its whole foods... I was thinkingbit would b cool to hv a product lk a drink or smthing that mk residual income lk hv a process & then wala... I think that would b really coo to hva product l that dsnt need lots labor just maintenance and managing Id luv that.. Smthing simple hopefully! I taste this Japanese tea that was so plane but the pkg was on point & there was a girl letting pep sample it.. I'm telling u ir was so plain simple but beautiful pkg
I walked bye that store a zillion times and neevver new!!!!
Now I want 1... although when they pick out zitz always grosses me!!!!
here r views:
Omg those reviews r sooo true .. My face has never EVER had a glow like this... I'm a believer 100% a million taxiing on x better that the Alkatis I've been using I'm going to but the kit.... Kitty b sure to go get a facial relax & enjoy!;))))
my skin lookin flat!
Tooooooo many typos..I think u got the idea..LOLing I didnt O~D
hey Kitty jut found it here 2..
so may b u wanngo 2 sephoras and ask 4 sm samples before hand..the sunscrean is nice & light & absorbs easly...the Badger brand 30spf is a bit heavy!
Ceeeee looks good but cause a lot $$$$$$$!
I'm trying save all my pennies an use up everything at my house.
Ok now that's a good idea actually loling but seriously it is!! Lol start saving so we cam spend later!? Shopping spree & grandy vacays lol jking
Get ReadYKitty:)
Hey I was thinking u may b able to mk it kitty u r crafty and into gardening so y not ... Right... I also looked & its whole foods... I was thinkingbit would b cool to hv a product lk a drink or smthing that mk residual income lk hv a process & then wala... I think that would b really coo to hva product l that dsnt need lots labor just maintenance and managing Id luv that.. Smthing simple hopefully! I taste this Japanese tea that was so plane but the pkg was on point & there was a girl letting pep sample it.. I'm telling u ir was so plain simple but beautiful pkg
I may take a class w/ my housemates on having a home-based kitchen business!!!!!!!
I cld make biscotti and sell them!!! Peeps would drive from 1,000 miles for them!!!!!!!!
I cant wait 2 taste them..I bet they r amazin:)
GO 4 IT BIBKAT GO 4 IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!))))))))
my fingers r crossed 4 U:)
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