Buy Katie A Novel by me for the Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader, and PDF for $2.99. Available soon for the iPad and within months in paperback.
Roger, a Manhattan Playboy, gets into an altercation with Mr. Miller, a power-hungry businessman, who becomes so unsettled by their dispute that he attempts to destroy Roger’s life. Furious and desperately wanting to exact revenge, but feeling helpless against the powerful Mr. Miller, Roger reluctantly decides to do what he does best, which is to seduce Mr. Miller’s beautiful teenage daughter Katie.
Their initial dispute occurs on the subway, but escalates when they arrive at the same location – a ballet studio where Roger tutors Madison, a Manhattan prep school co-ed, to support his paltry day job income as a public high school teacher and where Mr. Miller is picking up Katie. Still fuming from the dispute, Mr. Miller embarks upon a plan to destroy Roger's life. Bent on retribution, Roger successfully seduces Katie until a series of events threaten to end their relationship.
Meanwhile, frustrated with his unruly students, Roger abandons his traditional economics curriculum to teach the art of seduction, presuming that his students will be more engaged and thereby restrained. However, Roger’s plan backfires when David, his “best” student, uses his newfound knowledge of seduction for unintended purposes, and is beaten into a coma by the siblings of his beguiled sex tape co-star. In the end, Katie must choose between ruining her relationship with her father and ending her liaison with Roger. Katie’s choice becomes much easier when she meets Josh, a young and handsome protégé of Rogers.
Katie is the first novel ever written with a PUA protagonist!
About the Author:
So guys, Mo is one of the most amazing people. He's an avid reader and writer, he's very accommodating, honest and makes everyone feel special!:) He's also my blog partner for I GOT CONVERSE and BEHIND THE APPROVAL MATRIX.
So yes! Please Download KATIE, tell your friends and family, and feed back is GREAT too. Feel free to write a review on Amazon and The Writer Mo!:)
Best wishes to Mo *CHEERS* -Cee
That iz AWESOME!!!!
Gonna download later an rad it!!!!!
Yeah Kitty! Tell ur friendz & family 2!!!:);)I dwnloaded it 2:)
U sleep from gardening huh kitty 2 words huh lol
Me sleepi Cee...
wake uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuP
u sLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPY Kitty!!!!)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I need water:)
Water...Kitty don't 4get 2 water UR Garden!!!
RAINED!!! Garden iz HAPPI!!!
Making yumyum pickles!!!!
Oh wow u mk pickels kitty,,u mk everthing I bet:) such a busy day..HAPPY SUNDAY!!!:)
& hi Mammoth up there:)
Luv rading the NOVEL!!!!!!
I'm glad ur enjoying it!!:) XO
I kant burlieve what a grate writer u r CEEEEEEE!!!
Mo bibkat not me oh no ... I Wish!:) loling happy Monday !!;)
hiii CEEEE
I wanna make mor pickles today!!!!
Wow! they mush hv been amazing!!:)
Mine wifi pooooped out.
Iz dead no wifi!
Hey Kitty!!:)
Mayb ur neighbor will let u use there connection perhaps?..
WHAT happn 2 my comment from las night???
Whole hood went down CEEEEE!!!
Kitty !! There u r ur good!! Hum no wifi I would let u connect to mines but idk if that's possible cause I'm on jupitor gassing up my rocket! Loling & yes there's wifi outer space... Loling yes icloud loling
i go away for 1 DAY an ur in out there SPACEEEEEEE!
After Roger emptied the contents of his lower intestines, it got so hot in the bathroom that his butt
cheeks were sweating.
He literally slid around on Kim's
plastic toilet seat like he was Hula Hooping.
Yeah Jupitor..... Soooooooooooo look what we hv here planet microiapple Steve jobs & billgates those mfers loling sucking the oxygen & water outta planet earth ... Straw-like .. Its alot going on out here .u. Gotta. See!.They really really hv much diff convos than us earthlings hv... Lol
Bibkat! Up past ur bed x reading Katie ... Mo would b proud mission accomplished!!:);) lol
I lurv when u go outta space!!!!
U c sooo much sturff!!!!!
Time 4 norvel readin!!!!
Hey bibkat I miss u today yeah /\ guys r on sm serious sh** u should hv seen wht there up .. I'll tell u about it later lol
But anyways that's cool ur enjoying urself ... My day has been extremely puzzling wanting to go to sleep so I could b Teribly knocked out almost uncontious but I pushed myself instead despite.. Yeah..:) hp u hd a good day!:)
& now I'm eating ... Let's see ... It is chicken tikka masala not the best but not so bad either:) cheers to that :)
I lrved dat novel!!!! Mo r mazing!!!!
Katie broker up... hmmm...
wanting to go to sleep so I could b Teribly knocked out almost uncontious but I pushed myself instead despite..
peas dernt push 2 hard Ceeeee... rest an relax gf!!!!
Wow kitty ur enjoying Katie:) glad u like:)
Sm days if I'm not pushing myself I feel crazy and when I'm doing to much I feel crazy:)
Happy Sunday !;)
I lurned this 2day
"One sleeps easily, wakes easily, dreams no evil dreams. One is dear to human beings, dear to non-human beings. The devas protect one. Neither fire, poison, nor weapons can touch one. One's mind gains concentration quickly. One's complexion is bright. One dies unconfused and — if penetrating no higher — is headed for the Brahma worlds"
Huppy Sumday CEEE!
Hey Kitty!!! Oh I see Kitty!:) I just learned smthing new too.. I've never heard of bruma world till now.. tnx 4 sharing :)
I was reading Yesterday .,
Some of the ideas r similar:)
Hope ur day was awesome!:)
Then [the angels will say], "Peace for you; [you are] from the companions of the right."
Yeah hopefully!!
Hey Kitty!!:) today was fine:) hp urs was greater:)
Mondays 4 Moncle....
I thought about u while watching this...the @ hm feel of the stores
U know lk that food inn u were saying .. Ur biscotti yeah?!:);)
2 sleepy 2 make bicuits cee....
Ok sooooo skip cooking I agree just chill...
I living seoul ... dot dot dot
I lurv Soul 2 CEE!!!!!!
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!! Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-kaaaaaaaaat
ㅗㅎ륳ㅎ효ㅕㅗㅛㅓㅎㄹㅍㅊ포 lol idk
Setting new goals and finishing old ones ok I can do this
4 real this x lol
gf my brain fry up if stuff in nu languagee
안녕 하세요=안 an 녕 nyeong 하 se 요 yo=Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Oh my gOsh bibkat... I better tell u how amazing u r ..nah ya mean?! umm hp u hv candals and hopefully sm September issues around the crizab & of course food & snacks fresh water a must & a power generator & ice I luv luv ice & seseemee seed sticks ... Ok my fingers r crossed right now:)
Ur soooooooooooooo fin awesome!!!!!!
um hving sew muchy FUN!!!!!
eye weant it alwayss lk dis...
b happy gf luv u!!!!
Oh good kitty!! Oh that's true! Everyone want smthing to happen .. Sm destroyed just sit & wait:)
The wind wassssssssss majic CEEEEE!
Powerful an CRAZEEE!!!
Luv luv luv it!!!!
What erf on a sailboat in dat wind????? SLSRY!
mine hair is big as footbal stadium!!!!
cut appointment tomorrow!!!!
hope ur happyness gf!!! luv u!!!!
Wow kitty I bet that was fun lk wizard of oz all u need r those sparkly 2012 Miu Mius.. Or was dorthy caught in a tornado .. Wht the diff , right?! Lol
Well it sound lk ur certantly hving fun
It's eid & im on Ramadan schedule an awesome dream just woke me up I was on my way o Sweden & I forgot my passport & I was running super late about to miss my flight i told Baba I didnt hv x to psrk the car so he took me once we got in the cat we realized we need Gass then the hotelier called me speaking swedish then I said .. English? The we started to lol then .. Oh it was super crazy and exciting !~:)lolling
I missed u I was starring to worry for a min loling
August 31, 2011 5:46 AM
no no lose paspport... then you hv b gypsy... riding round in wagon pulled by horse!!!
tommoorrow is haircut cant wait been choppin oit off!!!
neeed an a good outfit for labor day CEEEE!! red/white BOO!
hairs r bleautiful now!!!! :)
happy eid!!!///
Oh YES kitty ... So sweet . Much Fun!
& happy beautiful locks days 2 u!!:~) ( new smilyface with a nose this x.. Lol
I bought thus shampoo & conditioner from whole foods it's 'everyday Shea vinella mint' washed my hair eid morning & ir works really well 1 lil pump goes a long ways .. My new fav!!
vinella mint sounds yummy!!!!!
i luv lotions that smelly good!!!
im sooo ahppy its hoildiay friedday!!!!
have fun gf... luv u!!!!
have a real kitten in my house!
Yeah bibkat I luv vinella & coconut smelling stuff ..
Oh I cute lil kitty wht it's name?..
.. Holiday weekend that means u hv to stay awake all night till tmmrw !!!!
Dnt go to sleeeeeeep waaaaake up kitty .. I hv sm fun stuff to share!:ㅇ)
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