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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's Cool 2 LUV Some 1 Like This~~~~


Kitty said...

Wowwwwww Cee...

I think my heart would explode... :)

Kitty said...


My hair looks best when it's dirty!

theceelist said...

EXPLOSIVE HEART>>LOL...Ok kitty in a good way or bad an overbearing love or due 2 excitement..LOL

oh my hair lose its shine then i get dandruff..then flakes fall on my face then i itch then I get zits on my ......''''' ..then I say aw damn..LOL

but Aussie has been FANTASTIC lately*) *BLING*..LOL

Kitty said...

due 2 excitement.!!!!!

love blowing my brains out and then explode my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'd melt into pieces...!!!

Kitty said...

dont get no zits in AUSSIE!!!!


what you doing down under????

theceelist said...

Wait-in 4 new years talkin 2 u ..LOL wht else..LOOOOOOL

actually planning stuff in my head 4 next year:)

theceelist said...

u know lk love can change so fast weird..LOL

Kitty said...


I wanna find some cool stuff 4 us for the new year.

I DON"T like the number 2011 though... all lopsided!!!

CHANGELOVE! Blee blee blee!!!

theceelist said...

HUM dnt worry kitty dnt stress it..I hv smthing 4

Ill find cm cool stuff 2:)

wht should we do.. go.. wear... in our fantasy land sky is the limit!!!..LOL OH YEAH:)