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Saturday, November 20, 2010

African Bon Voyage!*

Men attending the Durbar festival in Northern Nigeria.

Bida Durbar (2001)A Durbar festival is an annual festival celebrated in several cities of Nigeria. It is celebrated at the culmination of Muslim festivals Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. It begins with prayers, followed by a parade of the Emir and his entourage on horses, accompanied by music players, and ending at the Emir's palace.

Durbar festivals are organised in cities such as Kano, Katsina and Bida, and are considered tourist attractions.

Nigeria woman selling mangoes
Tanzanian East and Southern Africa 
 Hundreds of years of trade in spices, ivory, slaves and fabric, the colonial influences of Portugal in the architecture, and hints of Arabic in the languages, the bright-patterned cloth, the mangoes and fresh fish displayed in markets, silver filigree jewellery and old forts...the richness of culture is impossible to ignore. Of course, there are also crystalline seas and coral reefs teaming with marine life to explore, stark white beaches and mangrove forests full of birds, and islands so remote they are hard to find on a map.

Morracan lady wearing mangoe inspired jewelry

Cute Tanzanian children enjoying mangoes


Kitty said...




theceelist said...

Yeah check out the link great affordable pkgs we should we should I was thinking that thus morning:)

Kitty said...


Africa!!!! Need some big straw hats...

We're goingh to see the eleyphants!!!!

theceelist said...

& eat mangose toooo..LOL