Via Behind The Approval Matrix
In Home Within Home, Do Ho Suh will present will present a series of works that reflect the artist’s ongoing exploration of themes surrounding cultural displacement and the co-existence of cultural identities, as well as the perception of our surroundings and how one constructs a memory of a space. Suh’s own feeling of displacement when he arrived in the U.S. in 1991 to study at RISD led him to measure spaces in order to establish relationships with his new surroundings. Years later, the artist developed the idea of taking these measurements and using them to replicate and transport spaces. Suh constructs these architectural spaces and the elements within them in various mediums including fabrics, resin, and Styrofoam. Among the works exhibited in this show will be Fallen Star 1/5, Home Within Home, and a series of fabric objects, all personally revealing works which invite viewers into his homes.
Do Ho Suh
Home Within Home @ Lehmann Maupin Gallery
8 September – 22 October, 2011
540 West 26th Street
I blogged this on my other blog Behind The Approval Matrix. Do Ho Suh's art is so visually pretty and inspiring so I share it here:)
View more enlarged pictures @ Design Boom
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"Life is a series of passages!!"
Thots what he said!!!!
I absolutely I agree with shu .. I luv his lilhouses i use to mk lil hs when I was a around 9-14yrs lol..
Kitty u can mk am art @ listen to that raw passion sng lol
I usse to mak houses 2 CEEEEEE!
1 was in a tree! !!!!!
Really I've always wanted a tree house!!
CEEEEE. Thx for all this cool stuff!
Ur welcome.. Didn't get a chance to sleep & lounge around all day.. Im going to b sleep walking all week & if it's rainy I'll b crying too .. Loling
Hp u hd a good Sunday!!:)
Donk b crying CEEEEEEEE!!!
boooo hooooos///
Ok ur right I b a loling baby instead loling :)
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