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Saturday, January 1, 2011

My Sis Luvs Akon~~~~~~~~

I've been meaning 2 post him 4 a year 4 her:)


Kitty said...



LUV IT!!!!

theceelist said...

Yo kitty my sis when I go visit her she lks to lay on the ocean in lajola and listen to Akon talking about how it would really b a bad idea to get high right this sec lol jking lol when I hear his musics it reminds me of us being by the ocean watching the surfers ....sweet memories but If I got high I'd b afraid of myself lmaofff

Kitty said...


I'm already soooo happy without mugs and drugs!!!

Beach fun!!!! YES!!!!

theceelist said...

But ecentric YES! laying by the ocean painting meditating with sponge bob waving to the pass byers then along comes the cops we'll just tell them we hv Alzheimers then well 4get our alaby 4 being high>>LOL..come along kitty we can b ghetto triplets!;)

Kitty said...

Dats US!!! Ghetto triplets!!!


Night gurlyfriend!!!

theceelist said...

Gnarly nitty-e bib-kat ... LoL:);)

Kitty said...

This guy is like PERFECT and makes this gurl extra sexy!!!

theceelist said...

Yeah he's got that swagger my sis in NYC was telling me there r lots and lots of model looking African lol Akon can really has a nice voice he a bad boy type I bet got all the ladies ... Lik